Nothing can people more strengthen, as the truth you show him.
(Paul Claudel)
We produce with great pleasure and success in the upper Franconia Neustadt bei Coburg tools for you – MADE IN GERMANY, and provide services, like care and repair of all hydraulic tools.
We are one of the last, proud producers of this tool assortment in Germany In the last year we reworked and optimized our whole modern array products for you. So we have, to take as an example, our mobile drive system „UNI-FUTURE-II“ to provide with an new Power-Accumulator with safety chip included, especially successful was the introduction of the innovation of a „Fingersafe“ for all hydraulic cutting and press units, we succeeded, to set new standards in occupational safety in this tool segment and last but not least, we adjust our palette of our cuttingheads to your requirements, so you can choose an equal condition of use between „power – steel – and light“ cuttingheads, to work more economic and also thereby dispose new modern tools. Let´s go with us into the future.
Innovation means not to go with the flow, but to cause the flow. Don’t wait for that the technology evolves, develop it – or you land only in their wake. Only if you are active, you can ride along on the top of the wave!”
– Jon Landau, producer of AVATAR
The ipr tools were founded by Mrs. Erika Winterfield, who is also the responsible CEO of the company. The ipr tools can rely on the personal competence of many years of experience in the development, production and distribution of industrial tools and accessories from the segment of electrical power supply and general tool technology. Especially in the area of hydraulic cutting and pressing tools, we have high technical knowledge and want to hand it to our customers. We provide service to you!
ipr = 100% quality made in Germany
ipr = work protection, ergonomics, safety
ipr = capacity and effectivity
ipr = lightness
ipr = reliability of tools and contact persons
ipr = optimal advice: nice, fair and customer oriented
ipr = competence, own development, construction departments
ipr = chief leaded workshop
Social Commitment:
ipr GmbH supports Amnesty International, the German Relief Fund Foundation (Stiftung deutsches Hilfswerk), the Dependence and Youth Assistance Association (Sucht- und Jugendhilfe e.V.), as well as Plan International Deutschland e.v. (Plan International Deutschland e.V.).
ipr GmbH is a Global Compact initiative
of the United Nations.